Tuesday, August 31, 2010

263 Days...

I finally sent the confirmation to our caterer yesterday! Wedding planning has still been pretty slow. There isn't very much I can do from here except for making appointments with people for when I go to Braselton next time. John Hoyt and I have so much to discuss but we need to be together to discuss and look over stuff and we haven't really had a chance during the past few weeks. Since this is going to be a long weekend, I'm hoping to get a lot done with him this weekend so that I can take the next steps. The only big thing we have left to do is choose a florist and so I'm hoping that during the next two weekends, I can get a few more quotes and make a decision. I just can't believe we only have 8 and a half more months to go before the big day! I know that next semester is going to be so difficult with all the little details that have to get done. I need to start working on them right now, but with so much going on with my sorority and with school, it seems like I don't really have the time to do much of anything. I am hoping to go to Pennsylvania for my fall break in October and then maybe mom and I can get a lot of stuff done and get some decisions made. A few weeks ago, I was able to go through some of my grandmother's old pictures and get copies of pictures of her and my Pop and also my great-grandparents to display at the wedding. I'm hoping that one of the things I can do during the next two weekends is get some of John Hoyt's family pictures together to make copies of. It's time for all the details! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

276 Days...

I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but wedding planning has significantly slowed down during the past two weeks. I've been so busy with getting ready for school and then starting classes this week that I really haven't had the time or the energy to devote to the wedding. Most of the big decisions have been made, so I feel like I can slow down a little, but I know that I have so much to do still. Whenever I get a free weekend, I'm devoting it to shopping for decorations and the little stuff like the flower girl basket, etc. Getting little stuff done seems like it helps so much, because for some reason it is the little stuff that nags me. I still have to decide on a florist which is difficult because I had no idea that flowers were so expensive! It's been a more relaxed recently, but I'm feeling inspired to start working on it again!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

284 Days

I got to spend the weekend with my mom, dad, Taylor, John Hoyt and my extended family this weekend and had a great time! My grandfather turned 70 and we had a huge suprise party with all of his friends and family. It was a great opportunity to show off my fiance and my ring ;-) I tried on my dress for my cousin, two of my aunts, and my grandmother this weekend too! We came to a final decision about a caterer which is a huge load off of me because we've been searching for a few months now. My next project to tackle is the florist. I got one quote, but I want to do some extra research before I make a final decision. My aunt picked up my shoes so I have those and I am in LOVE with them! Now I just have to practice walking so I don't trip down the aisle. My to-do list is still pretty huge but I'm hoping to get a lot done this week, or at least some research done and appointments set up since classes start on Monday. I will finally have a weekend where I don't have to go anywhere this weekend which will be SO nice and I can relax and live out of my room instead of living out of a suitcase for once in the past month or so. That will also give me some extra time to get stuff done from here and make plans for when I go up to Braselton in a few weeks. I was talking to John Hoyt last night and we were talking about how fast the time is going by. I keep thinking I have 9 months until the wedding, but it is going by so fast that it is scary! I can't wait to get married and be married, but the fact that I have SO MUCH to do before then scares me a little. I can't imagine how people plan a wedding in just a few months. The good thing is that I do have some time and I'm having a blast planning it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

290 Days...

There is so much going on for the wedding and it is all so fun and exciting! I've been addressing the save-the-dates for the past two nights trying to get them out before the end of the week. It's so much fun to think about everyone getting them. I know that no one will be as excited as I am! It has been a great week. Work is going well and it is a short week since I'm going to Alabama to see my family this weekend. I've been doing several crafts this week to to add details to the wedding, which is always fun! We considered starting our premarital counseling this weekend, but Pop wanted to wait until a little closer to the wedding. I start classes next Monday for my senior year and I am also involved in a research project that will be presented in Montreal, Canada in March that I've been working on as well, so I'm having to slow down on all the wedding stuff a little. I got some great news yesterday! I will most likely not be working Fridays this fall and I also have no Friday classes in the fall so I will have all day Friday to do wedding stuff and catching up on school and research. This is such a blessing and an answer to prayer. I finally got some references from two brides that have used the caterer we are considering and they both had very positive things to say, so we're most likely going to go in that direction. I have so much to do but it is all so fun! :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

292 Days...

What a week! Last week I got SO much done for our wedding, but in getting stuff done, I have so much more to do. Mom and I met with my wedding coordinator on Tuesday to discuss my ideas for the wedding and to get some advice about different ideas. We also met with a florist and figured out what types of flowers I liked. We should be getting a quote from her very soon. Mom and I went to Charleston from Wednesday until Friday and got so much done! We talked about my ideas and did some shopping as well! We got some decorations, my invitations, and even more ideas. Two weeks ago, Katelyn found this amazing website created by a wedding planner in North Carolina and picked up some amazing ideas from that. Also on Tuesday, Mom and I went with Bethany, my maid of honor, to get her dress. Saturday, we went with four of my bridesmaids and Aunt Donna to get the rest of the bridesmaid dresses. Since everyone is wearing different dresses, it was so much fun seeing what everyone picked out. Everyone's dresses are beautiful and they look so great! I also purchased my shoes for the wedding. I am so in love with them. We had to get them from a different store in Birmingham because they didn't have my size, but Aunt Donna is going to get them for me today. We are a little over 9.5 months away from the wedding. It's hard to believe that it is so close, but I am so ready!