Friday, June 10, 2011

20 Days Later...

It was seriously the most perfect, most wonderful day of my life! That's not to say that everything went perfectly. I found the slideshow DVD in my DVD player when we got home from the honeymoon which means that it didn't leave my house to go to the wedding. The veil was no where to be found about 20 minutes before the ceremony, but luckily we found it. The music skipped during the duet and the music wasn't really played correctly. When it came time to throw the bouquet, I couldn't find my throwing bouquet. Even though there were some imperfections, the wedding was absolutely beautiful, if I can say that. It was so me and John Hoyt and I think that is why I was so in love with it! We had a fairytale kiss (available for viewing on YouTube thanks to JH's sister, April), a yummy cake, an amazing wedding party, and just a great day all around. I don't know if it would have been as perfect without my bridesmaids. They were absolutely wonderful to me and so helpful and sweet. They took care of everything and didn't let me worry about a single thing. From cooking me breakfast to waiting on me hand and foot, they were wonderful! Katelyn even took my phone away from me so that I wouldn't be stressed by the texts and calls. It was a day full of laughing a lot, crying some, and just having a great time with our friends and family. We took so many pictures (hopefully they'll be on Facebook soon) and I really love them! The kids in the wedding did such an amazing job too! We had so much help with everything! We couldn't have asked for a better wedding and I am so grateful!