Tuesday, September 21, 2010

242 Days (8 MONTHS!!!)

Only 8 months away!!!! I can hear singing in my head :) It can't get here fast enough, but I am really enjoying this time that John Hoyt and I have to start building our life together. I am about 95% sure on a florist (finally)! I just have to finalize the decision and then I have the second to last big thing taken care of! I'm going to spend some time this weekend organizing my thoughts and doing some more research. I keep thinking about next semester and about how crazy and fun it's going to be with all my senior stuff and wedding stuff. I've been working out a lot to get in to wedding day shape!! One of my really great friends, Amanda Vitello, really keeps me motivated. John Hoyt and I have even spent a lot of time being active, running, and exercising which I definitely want to continue after we get married. I still have so much to do, but I am checking so much off my list too!

Monday, September 13, 2010

250 Days...

The past two weekends have been full of wedding stuff! I met with three florists during the past two weekends and hope to get a quote from two of them within the next two days so that I can make that final decision. I went shopping last weekend for lots of pretty decorations and found some really cute stuff! John Hoyt and I spent a lot of time talking about the wedding and plans for what we want. We still have some little decisions to make together, like what the guys are going to wear and who is going to print our invitations, etc. but we're making very good progress. We made decisions about when we're going to start looking for a house and also when we're going to register. I started working a little bit on the slideshow this weekend, but I don't have all the pictures scanned that I need, especially of him, so that's a big project that I have to undertake. John Hoyt and I are going up to Pennsylvania in October, so I'm planning to get some of my baby pictures together then. I'm also planning on starting the process of moving everything that I plan to have in our house back to the South that weekend. I went to see my good friend, Ms. Kim on Friday, and she offered to throw me a shower, which I'm very excited about, so I'm going to try to start scheduling that pretty soon as well. Bethany and I went to pick up two of my bridesmaids dresses this weekend, and they are so so so cute!!! It has been so much fun just doing all this great stuff! More updates soon!