Monday, November 22, 2010

180 Days...

Yesterday was officially 6 months until the wedding! We did a photoshoot with Katelyn for her class yesterday and they turned out soooo cute! I'm in love with them! They should be posted to Facebook soon :) We got to go on a double date with our friends Tori and Mitch on Saturday and we got to spend the day together yesterday which was a lot of fun. We basically just relaxed. I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving, and I have a feeling that Mom and I are going to do some wedding planning while I'm there!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

185 Days...

Well, flowers have now been finalized!!! I'm getting more and more anxious for May 21 to get here. Everytime I think about it, I am filled with emotions. I was listening to the song that I'm walking down the aisle to the other day, and I just started sobbing. I'm just so ready for it to get here and for John Hoyt and I to finally be husband and wife, to live in the same county and even in the same house! Every week it gets harder to say goodbye to him for another week. We have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, which means I will be in Pennsylvania for the holidays and we won't be seeing each other a whole lot. That fact is rough. The good news is I won't be taking classes and I'll only be working a little bit while I'm in PA, so I'll have lots of time to pack, get organized, and do wedding planning! Mom found the perfect place to get the invitations printed and she and I are planning on assembling and addressing them while I'm at home so when the time comes, she can just send them out. I tried on my dress the other day and it still is too big, which is a good thing! I am planning on getting it altered sometime in March. I am still so in love with it! I can't believe how fast the semester has flown by. When I get back from Thanksgiving, I will have one week of classes and one week of finals and then I'll be done with the semester! I know next semester is going to go by even faster because I will be SO busy! The good news is that John Hoyt is almost done with his truck and then he and I will have more time together to discuss the decisions we need to make together. Get here fast May!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

194 Days...

What. A. Crazy. Semester. I have been so busy recently, I've barely had time to make my bed, much less do a lot of wedding planning. My mom and I have talked a lot about some of the details, and she has been so nice to call some printers and get quotes for invitations. Luckily, I will be going home two weeks from tomorrow for Thanksgiving and hopefully we will be able to work some stuff out then. I will be going home for about a month in a month and that is when we will get a lot done. We are hoping to get invitations printed and addressed, make some final decisions about the ceremony, and get a lot of other stuff done!! I know that next semester will be just as crazy, if not crazier, so I'm hoping that we will get most of the big stuff done by the end of Christmas break. Saturday was mine and John Hoyt's 4 and a half year anniversary. We are so happy and so excited about our marriage. I think about the marriage part all the time now. I'm having a blast planning the wedding, but I am just so ready to be married to this man that God sent to me that it is all I can think about these days. :) We got some tentative shower dates on the calendar too, so I'm really excited about all that! Pretty soon the semester will be over and I can just focus on the wedding.