Monday, April 4, 2011

47 Days...

My stress level is pretty high this week. I'll be graduating with my bachelors in less than 5 weeks but before that I have 5 major projects due; one every week. My amazing friend/roomie, Katelyn is throwing a DIY night on Thursday and a lot of my friends are coming over to help do some DIY projects like the favors and programs. I'm trying to get all of that stuff together. We had an idea for the programs, but that isn't going to work anymore, so I'm scrambling to get something else together. I've got some ideas, but I need to run them by John Hoyt before I can change the design. It's just going to be a pretty crazy week with my project due this week and of course my weekly paper on the wonderful B.F. Skinner :). We should be closing on the house next week (hopefully)! We were supposed to close this past Wednesday but we had some problems with the water company. All of that is straightened out but it delayed the closing slightly. I'm disappointed but I'm also a little grateful because it's given me a chance to focus on the wedding a little more. I just can't believe we have less than 7 weeks to go! I am getting so excited about our wedding and FINALLY being married! John Hoyt and I had a really chill weekend and it was so nice to just spend time together. He took me on a shopping/minigolf/dinner date and we just relaxed and had a great time! The next 7 weeks are going to be slightly crazy so it was nice to take a breather. My MOH threw me a bridal shower on Sunday which was so much fun! A lot of my friends got to be there and I was so grateful for them! Please continue to pray for me and for us as we close on the house, finalize all the wedding details, and try to graduate!

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